I typed in we are that….into Google the other day, trying to bring up a prompt to my blog so I could check something while I was out of town.
Before I could type the word family, Google prompted me with a few suggestions that had been googled, a lot. I laughed at number one.
It was we are that family tattoo.
I’ve only written about it once and I closed comments because I’m a good girl and I didn’t want to open a can of worms. Here I am ten months post-tattoo and I’m still so happy I did it. I haven’t once doubted or regretted my decision. I do get a lot of email and questions about it, so I thought I’d just be open that can right up. Worms aren’t all that bad. Plus, I think my in-laws know about it now.
Here’s what I tell people: Don’t get a tattoo if you have doubts. And emailing me is probably proof of doubt. Don’t get a tattoo of just anything. So many people have written of their regret because their little turtle or butterfly tattoo has no significance. So don’t get one just because you think they are cool. It’s something you’ve got to know you want forever.
It will probably sound weird, but when my husband and I got our tattoo together on the two year anniversary of starting Mercy House, it was deeply significant and spiritual. I have no regrets!
But I will also never ever get another one. And not just because it hurt like a big dog.
I never intended to be branded by the Spirit in such a deep, life-changing way. I never intended to have a tattoo either. Some things are just unexpected and right for some people.
I think on the 3rd anniversary of my life-changing trip, I’ll get my nose pierced.
Just kidding, Mom.
So, would you ever get inked?
Want to see my husband’s tattoo? click here
I love the tattoo! Looks like it hurt to get it there.
My first tattoo is of a, um, flower. Yeah, not very meaningful. As the story goes, my little sister and I, on a whim, got our first tattoo together. As we stood there looking through the tattoo book I settled on a so original butterfly. She, a flower. At the last minute we switched. So, I have hers and she has mine. Even if they aren’t very original they still have meaning for me.
She has gone on to get many tattoos that have meaning. I am still designing me second tattoo. I won’t get another one unless it really says something to me.
Nope, but that is just me, I have bigger hills to die on than Christians getting tattoos…………Oh, any my son says that I already have some in blue lightning form (otherwise known as varicose veins)…………gotta love teenagers…………
Ahahaha, Deb. Your son’s awesome. π
I think it’s beautiful! After I became a Christian I talked about wanting a tattoo on my ankle of a butterfly, to signify new life and remind me of my grandmother. But I’m not so sure anymore. I’m almost 50. Do people my age get tattoos? π
Yes they do! One of my best friend’s moms has wanted a tattoo her whole life and this past year, in her ate 50’s, she finally did it! We were all shocked (I’ve known her since I was 11 and she is the last person I would ever think would want a tattoo!) but also very impressed that she did it!
The Bible says not to mark your skin for the dead.
That being said both my husband and I have tattoos.
if you look at it in its original context from a theological view you would know that Leviticus was placed there for a reason and every law was placed there for a reason. getting tattoos is not agianst the bible in any way shape or form!!! get inked up i have two and im planning on being a youth pastor and getting many more!!!!
I don’t have one and wouldn’t get one, but I am often curious about how other people wound up with their art. Ever since your original post, I’ve wanted to know 1) why you chose to put it on your foot, and 2) is your husband’s also on his foot?
I chose my foot because it seemed a humble place–not too noticeable, but there to see. I didn’t realize it was one of the most painful places…My husbands is on his shoulder…Africa with the same verse.
it would have to be a major spiritual experience for me to ink…wouldn’t want to have tweety bird on my ankle at age 95….
Nope. Never. Nada. I have very strong opinions about why not but I won’t share because, well, I don’t want to be the one under attack π I do have two family members who have gotten them – one for a deeply spiritual reason but now regrets it because of the total backlash he took in his ministry for it. He realized that sometimes, you have to look at how it will impact other people and whether it will be a stumbling block for other people.
I’ve toyed with the idea, but I want it to be something with a great deal of meaning and I just haven’t hit on that yet. Even though I have a Pinterest board full of tattoos (including yours) I’m still undecided on what I want. And then there’s the pain and the cost to consider…
Love your tattoo and love that it was such a spiritual and thought out process for you. I have one and it took me quite some time to pick it out and decide what I wanted. I wanted it to be meaningful and not just something my grandchildren would roll their eyes at one day. I picked a trinity knot, which in the church at times stood for Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It also symbolizes the number three. I got it before my son was born, but now since we only have one child, it stands for that, as well. Me, my hubs and my son. So it’s pretty, but meaningful to me. Only a few people gave me a hard time about it. I would do it again. I would love the logo from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital somewhere, too. They saved my sons life when he was four and I’d love to carry that symbol with me. People would ask what it means and I could share the story and the hospital and our experience with childhood cancer.
Nope, never! My daughter called me from college asking if she could get a tattoo. When they get to college, we let them make their own decisions – good or bad. She still wanted my opinion. I said, “If you want my opinion, I would say no, never!” She said, “It’s too late, I have a open star on my wrist to remind me of my roommate (who also got the same tattoo). Oh well! Today, five years out of college, she has NEVER spoken to said roommate. She doesn’t mind the tattoo, but the meaning has gone by the wayside.
I don’t have any problems with tattoos but like you and many other commenters I would want a deep significance to what I chose. I think your tat is beautiful and I can understand the significance.
Actually, I have 3. And I’m over 40 so I don’t think there is an age limit. Two I got when I was younger and a wild child. Do I regret them? Not really. They remind me of who I was and who i am now (my kids call them my “stamps”). My third is a crown of thorns around my wrist. Obvious meaning. I want the world to know what my Savior did, and continues to do, for me. ps- I also have my nose pierced, and yes, my mom grounded me π
I think it is amazing. I will never be brace enough to get a tatoo. I can not think of anything better to get a tattoo for. I think you are amazing and so proud of you for doing what you have been called to do
It’s beautiful and I love the significance!
Yes, I have a tattoo; I got it aged 36. It took me about 18 years to find the right design, and it symbolises a great deal to me. It was not in response to a spiritual experience but certainly reflects a lot of healing and hard work in therapy, and it’s always there to remind me what I’ve been through and where I am today.
Yes, absolutely I would and probably will. And I’m almost 40 too. I’m waiting till after we bring our daughter home from Haiti, and then I will get mine. I would do it now, but if something happened that prevented this adoption from happening I wouldn’t necessarily want a daily reminder.
In college, my best friend and I got matching tattoos on our feet of the Alpha Omega symbol. This name for Christ has deep meaning for me then, and still does today. And what a sweet surprise it was when my {later} husband and I realized he had the very same tattoo! Slightly different design, in a different location, but (as you said, Kristin) our hearts had been ‘branded by the Spirit’ in a similar way, and we’d expressed it identically on our bodies. Meant to be =)
Wow – what an awesome story. Love it!!
I wanted a tattoo for my 30th birthday, but we had medical bills from my second NICU baby that arrived just before, so I couldn’t justify spending the money. I still want one, but it’s not in the budget at this time.
I would love a nose ring, but I do not have nose ring nose. Not one bit. I did have a belly-button ring in my early twenties – a few months after I graduated from my college which forbid such piercings I got one. Almost a decade and two kids later there is no way I could get that again – ha!
Love your tattoo. I got one this year on my 30th bday .. also on my foot, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted and decided on a cross,heart,anchor for Faith, Hope, Love. I still smile when I look at it.
I think there are bigger controversies than tattoos. My husband has 5…. I think? I have never found anything meaningful enough to want it forever. He regrets his first one. They are not my thing but, really, I think yours is beautiful. It’s simple and humble. Btw- I don’t care if my husband gets them, they ARE his thing. π
I have a tattoo of a very feminine tribal gecko laying over my right shoulder. After taking a couple of mission trips to a remote island off the coast of Panama and leaving part of my heart there, I spent months drawing a gecko to become a tattoo (we played with them with the kids there). About a year later the opportunity to get a tattoo fell out of the sky and I’d been saving money for that moment. Now when people see a piece of the tattoo (which is rare bc it’s easy to cover but can also be shown off without being indecent), I can tell them about my life changing/saving trip. I’ve had it for 3 years and never ever regretted it.
I have a fish “stamped” on my shoulder blade. I have always loved the symbolism of the fish and memorized the IXOYE, Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior, as a young child. I actually didn’t get the IXOYE, just the outline though, as if I’d been stamped as His. I love the idea of being His bond servant. Many people are shocked to find I have a tattoo and even more so to find out my Mom got a fish on her shoulder with me. Hers is smaller and made of twisted vines. I love it and don’t regret it one bit. I am glad I waited until I was old old enough to be sure I wanted it for life and married so my husband, who got his second one with me, is totally cool with it.
Kristen, I saw your ink in a picture you posted, I don’t know a few weeks ago maybe, and LOVED it!!!!! I have one tattoo that I prayed over {yes prayed over} and waited years before finally doing it. It symbolizes my family. My sister has one to match. My husband has two, one that symbolizes our family {my handprint with the kids’ names around it} and a cross. These tattoos are very important to us. We did not get them on the spur of the moment, we took years, literally years, to think over them, we wanted to be sure we wanted something so permanent. We did not get just anything, we got something that stood for something important to us.
I want one more tattoo and have been thinking for two years of what it would be. I really, really love yours….maybe I could borrow the idea? π
I have no problems with people getting tattoos. I don’t understand frivolous markings, they are pretty permanent. I have a tattoo. I almost died in a fire, and I have the Eye or Horus. (my atheist days) on my left shoulder. It has deep meaning to me, and I have yet to regret it. (even now as a Christian)
I love it! I wanted a tattoo for a long time and finally at the age of 33 decided to get one. I have “be still” on my wrist. I knew there would be raised eyebrows because I don’t quite fit the tattoo mold being a suburban stay at home mom, but I don’t regret it AT ALL. Not only is it a very personal constant reminder to me that in the midst of life I must slow down, be still and know that HE IS GOD but I have also had the opportunity to have very meaningful conversations with others that would have never come about. I love what God is using you to do and I think that your tattoo is a beautiful, personal, and permanent symbol of your commitment to follow out what God has called you to do. Rock on Kristen! Is that what people with tattoos are supposed to say? π
I just got my first tattoo on my wrist this year and I’m 35. It was a vow renewal of myself and my husband. We had gone thru so much the last few years and it signifies our commitment to each other. Its not our names or anything. Just a phrase that means a lot to both of us. I won’t ever regret it. I almost don’t see it daily. But when I need it, there it is. A reminder of us. I would do it again.
I have two. One is a flower with my husband and kids initials in the petals and a butterfly with my niece. While I love the idea, it’s a bad tattoo. My other is a large star with spirals to tinier stars with represent my foster children. That one I LOVE!
I have 3 tattoos. The first two were from my BC days (before Christ). One is a tiny butterfly on my stomach. The 2nd one is a tribal right on the back of my ankle. It is VERY noticeable. Do I regret it? No. It is a constant reminder to me how Christ saved me from going down a dark path. And it has opened a lot of conversations about my old life. People that know me now cannot fathom the person I used to be. And I give God all the glory. Tattoo number three was thought about for 3 years. I had my last child at the age of 32. I knew I wanted something significant. After three years of though I had my idea solidified. I chose the Ichthys (Christian fish). Above it says “Blessed” in a beautiful script, below it are the first initials of my husband, self, two sons, with some greenery around it. I wanted it for me and my husband approved. It is a pretty good size but is on my lower back. Even in a swim suit it isn’t visible. Would I get another? Probably not. I think tattooing done tastefully, meaningfully and well thought out is gorgeous as long as it is done in moderation.
I have a lizard on my back that I got in college that has no meaning to me. Sort of wish it wasn’t there, but I really don’t spend too much time worrying about it or regretting it. I have another tattoo that I got for my husband, and I love that one and don’t think I’ll ever regret it.
Love it. Too chicken to get one. But would like too. No controversy here. π
I always thought i wanted a tatoo but the older I get, I’m now 36, I think I’ve decided there isn’t anything I really want to have still sagging on me 30 years from now. I DID however get my nose pierced. π I’ve wanted it since college and I have to say I do not regret it at all. I love my little diamond stud, it was a decision I took 16 years to make. π
I have never gotten a tattoo. Not because I think there’s something wrong with it but I just don’t seem to want one…. I don’t wear jewelry either, so I guess I’m just not into anything like that. Esp if it’s permanent, ha ha! BUT…. I have been thinking about getting wedding ring tats with my husband. I never wear my ring anymore, and his doesn’t fit him anymore. It would be kind of sweet to re-commit to each other by way of new rings, and tattoo rings would be a more interesting way to do that. But….. I don’t know if we’ll really get around to it or not.
My husband and I have ring tattoos – just a simple band that sits quietly underneath our rings. We got them the day we were married (in between the ceremony and the reception) They have deep meaning to us, and I love them very much. That being said, boy oh boy did they hurt!!!
I still love your tattoo! From time to time I’ve thought of getting one but I don’t know if I want to go through the pain!
I have and will probably do it again eventually. I have my kids and husband’s names around stars on my wrist. My husband has three, his latest is Aslan, gorgeous.
I love how dainty yours is!
I love it! Perfect! I was wondering what font it is? Because I have been looking for a font that is like that for my next tattoo. Think I am going to have Philippians 4:6 put on my wrist.
Hi Mindy,
You can go to dafont.com and search hundreds and hundreds of free fonts to find one that you like and that’s uniquely yours. π
I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of years. I’m pretty sure I’ll do it soon. I have no issues with tattoos. Yours is lovely.
I will never in 10,000 years get a tattoo, but that doesn’t mean I think they’re bad. Yours was done for the right reasons. I wish everyone with tattoos were as wise.
No ink for me yet, and not sure if I ever will. I’d really like something to signify each of my children, but wouldn’t even consider going through with it until I come up with the perfect design. I would also want it in a place that would be easily covered when I was dressed up. There’s nothing that strikes me as quite so awkward as a woman in an elegant formal dress, with a giant tattoo showing.
I’ve considered getting one on my wrist quoting John 15:9 – “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love.” But I haven’t done it yet. That probably means I have doubts. It would be a great reminder to see it every day, though.
I have four, and they’re all in places I can cover up, which I’m glad I had the foresight to do at 18/20. I’m 31 now and don’t regret them, because they’re small and cute, and again, able to be covered up easily. I think if you want a tattoo, pray about it, etc…then get one. I know more tattoo’d Christians – and there’s nothing wrong with that!
I have 5 tattoos. One I got when I was 18 before I was a Christian, and the other 4 were after I was saved. Each one has a special meaning and significance in my life. They tell a story of where I have been and where I am now. I think that is what I love most about tattoos- they speak to the person you were the day you got it, and will always remind you of where you were in your life at that time.
The tattoo I got when I was 18 is something I would never choose for myself today, but I still love it because it’s all part of the story π
I have 2 tattoos. I got them both within a couple of months of each other when I was about 19. I love the first one, it is a purple daisy and so perfectly represents me. I’ll never reget it. My 2nd tattoo is a very small dolphin jumping through a moon on my shoulder. I often forget it is even there. I don’t really regret it, well, actually I don’t even think about it.
I have been considering another tattoo. I have it planned (I lost my husband a year ago and it is a combination of the linked hearts from our wedding with the purple ribbon for pancreatic cancer) but who knows if I’ll ever get it or not. I want to wait until the pain isn’t so sharp.
P.S. When I showed my mom my tattoo she whipped out the Bible! She is over it now though and even understands my wanting to get a tattoo in memory of Jerry.
My sister in law got one in memory of her husband this year. I think it’s absolutely sweet. It’s 2 music notes on her shoulder, and it represents his love of music. It’s a perfect tribute.
I have 10 tattoos with plans to get more. Each of them was specifically designed for me, for deep personal meanings, and I do not regret a single one – including the huge one across my chest. Regardless of faith (I am not Christian, I am Buddhist), tattoos shouldn’t be taken lightly or randomly picked off a wall without thought. I love your tattoo! Good for you for being okay with it and willing to take any verbal beatings that come your way from it (and trust me, I understand that…I get it a lot).
I have 5 tattoo’s right now and they all have a special meaning. I have a tribal with Jesus in Kanji. I have a tribal with the American flag and another tribal with the American Flag with ‘Protect and Defend’ in Kanji. I am a veteran and I LOVE my country. I have 3 nails in the shape of the cross; three nails that nailed Jesus to the cross. Then I have a celtic symbol that means ‘two lives comeing together’ with my hubbys and my name. All special meaning and I don’t regret any of them. I plan on getting another; celtic symbol for mother and daughter with my daughters DOB and her intials, and then another cross. I have no doubts when getting my tattoos they all mean something special.
I love your tattoo! And I can’t believe you got one on your foot – I’m too chicken. I have two tattoos and they both mean a lot to me and I took my sweet time deciding to put them on me. I have a couple more in the works, but I won’t be getting them until I’m 100% sure that it’s something I want for the rest of my life. I LOVE the visual reminder that tattoos give me – my first tattoo is the words “jehovah Nissi” (God is my banner) with flowers and wings. It is my visual cues that if I walk with God first in my life (like marching into battle with the banner of the king) God will take care of things. The flowers remind me of the verse in Mathew that says not to worry about tomorrow and the wings remind me of Psalm 91 where it says under his wings we are protected. and my second tattoo is in my husbands handwriting and says “I love you forever”.
I had gotten through the rebellious teenage stage without one, so I thought I’d die without one. Then I got cancer. When they removed part of my body, something whispered deep inside. And as I went through the next 4 years battling the disease, it started to be thunder instead of whisper. What finally tipped me over the edge was when my best friend was diagnosed with the same kind of cancer I had. A year later, we went to get our tattoos together. Butterflies on our ankles for the butterflies (thyroid gland) in our necks that surgeons had cut out of us. It was spiritual. I’ve never regretted it. My kids (the little ones, 6 and 4) keep asking a year later when it will wash off. π
My daughter asks me the same. She will be 4 next week. So trying to explain that it doesn’t wash off is fun. She told me she would just do the washable ones now. Lil.
I think it’s interesting how all the comments on here so far have been all about self opinions and not about what the Bible says on this topic. I am not one to start debates or to judge anyone for your decisions, but I do think it’s important to look at what the scriptures say about this and not just base getting a tattoo on your own opinions or feelings. As Christians, being ‘lights’ of the world, getting tattoos can be seen as stumbling blocks to many others and not for the edifying of the brethren. (Rom 14:13) Before I was saved I got tattoos, but now I regret them because many people judge me wrongly for them before they hear my testimony, and I lose the opportunity to witness to them. We are told to be apart and be separate (1 John 2:15-16) and to not love the world. Are tattoos separating you from the world or making you look more like it? Some other verses to consider are: Lev 19:28, 1Cor 6:19-20, 1 Tim 2:9. In the end what you do is between you and God and He will be the judge,(Rom 14:10, 12) and obviously those with tattoos cannot turn around and reverse them. So I urge all Christians to deeply consider this and to ask themselves whether it is to satisfy a personal lust as a result of being in this world, where secular things become more and more popular to Christians and that fine line of being separated gets blurry. Rom 14:22 God bless you.
I have one tattoo on my back that I drew. No one will ever have the same one, and it’s special to me. I don’t regret it at all.
I don’t have a tattoo yet, but I have a couple that I have been working on and they mean ALOT to me. My parents are against them whole heartily and often threw around certain Bible verses (out of context, I might add) about it while I was growing up. And when I get a tattoo, they won’t be happy with me. But I’m 30-something years old and can make my own decisions and do my own research on the topic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on this matter, but I don’t believe it is fair at all to try to preach their own opinions on others. Sadly, I have seen other Christians do that and while they do that and say they are trying to be the salt and light, they end up leaving a foul taste in alot of people’s mouths. The way I see it, we all get saved the same way….through the blood that was shed by Jesus. To me, everything else is basically denominational differences.
Anyways, I LOVE your and your hubby’s tattoos. They are beautiful.
My husband and i have been in the adoption process for 2yrs+. For me the process has always been an act of obedience to God. After a birthmom changed her mind in Jan of this year after we cared for the precious baby many asked if we would continue. It was heart wrenching but God still told us to continue. In feb we spent our valentine’s day getting inked. I got obedience on my ankle and my husband got adopted and forgiven in greek on his arm. He’s a pastor so I understand the closed comments-sometimes I wish I could close real life comments. Thankfully now I’m currently feeding our adopted son and through our obedience God has been abundently faithful. Finalization is just 10days away! BTW I love your tattoo…I wanted mine on my foot but artist wouldn’t do it.
I love your tattoo! I’ve always been fascinated by tattoos – some I really, really like & think I’d like to copy – like yours. I would love to get one with meaning. I know I will never have one though…I’m too averted to needles to ever actually go through with it. No matter how much I would like to have something of significance as a reminder… If only it was possible without any needles…uh, I think it’s called a sticker. π
I recently heard Tim Kimmel give an enlightening view on tattoos in a Grace-based Parenting seminar. It really changed my view on people that have tattoos with “purpose”. I still don’t know if I would get one but I’m not as judgmental about others who have them. Walking more humbly.
Actually, I’ve thought about it recently. I was part of a life changing Bible study this summer. The phrase that jumped out at me was “Not I, but Christ.” I wrote it on my hand for about a week so I would remember. I’ve thought about getting a tattoo of it, but I’m not sure where. I would want it to be discreet, but a good reminder for me. But I think my husband would think I was crazy. :\
I have no tatoos but as I get older I find them more intriguing and I am always curious about the stories behind them. While I don’t plan on ever getting one I have thought if anything should ever happen to one of my children I would get their name tatooed on me somewhere – not that I would ever forget them but just to have them always be a part of me in a physical sense!
Love yours. Mine is in the same spot and says “Where you go, I will go.” Obviously it is from the book of Ruth, and I think it is such a testament to someone’s commitment. I chose to have it done on my 10th wedding anniversary for my husband. He is a youth pastor and in the 10 years we have been married, I have fullfilled that statement of going where he goes. He is a God filled man and I trust his judgment for our family. He is incredible special, and I am blessed to call him mine.
Should be engraved on our hearts if not our feet!
Great tat.
Early this summer I got my first 2 tattoos…at the ripe old age of 40. 20 years earlier I wanted a cactus tattoo and I am grateful I did NOT get it. This time I was purposeful and chose, in my sister’s handwriting the word LOVE (small)on my right forearm and GRACE on my left. Small reminders for me. No regrets.
I also have my nose pierced.
I love it.
I have several tattoos. And my lip pierced. And my ears. And various tattoo designs going on in my head. π
Yes! and I love it! Kristen, you know the story behind it, for those reading this comment and are curious about the story you can find it on my blog…. just don’t feel like taking about 3 pages to explain it, don’t want to be that obnoxious commenter a) it’s on my foot because I wanted it to be hidden for work purposes but I can catch glances of it and be reminded of my sweet baby boy and how God used and continues to use him to teach and mold me. b) it didn’t hurt quite as bad as you said it would π which was a pleasant surprise
Late to the game, but your tattoo is beautiful, I have thought so since your first post. I have three tattoos, each with their own meaning and each prayed over. My favorite is “not my own” on my wrist. It comes from 1 Corinthian 6:19-20 and serves as a reminder that I am not my own, I was bought for a price. It is a great conversation starter, opens up lots of opportunities to share Christ.
Tattooing is defiantly not for me, I tell myself it’s because of the pain factor, or the cost factor, but honestly I just can’t see wanting anything permanently. I think yours is beautiful.Most of the people in my world have strange tattoos, strange place, and for strange reasons. I really like the idea of private meaning, or a public statement or a meaningful conversation piece. Most people I know sound like they wish they hadn’t but don’t want to admit it so are trying to justify it to me somehow. Thank you for sharing this again and for many of the great comments I’ve enjoyed reading.
I have 2, yep! The first one, a moon crossing in front of the sun was to celebrate turning 50 and the wonderful changes that life would bring with self, grandparenthood and living. The second (7 years later) this year, in latin, “yours until death” to honor my husband. I love your’s by the way.
I am coming way late to this party, but I wanted to tell you that I think your tattoo is beautiful! I currently do not have one, but have a special designed by my husband that I want to put on my foot. Our first baby died when I was 5 months pregnant with her. We named her Cecelia Elise, which means “musical gift of God”. The tattoo will be a G cleft and have the beginning notes to the song For Elise and then it say “Musical Gift of God – 1988” and then it will have the last notes of the song. I am a little nervous about it, because of the pain factor but I think I can handle it. Does is hurt terribly bad? I also want you to know that I appreciate all that you do with Mercy House. I think the ministry is amazing and is very close to the Fathers heart.
is there a significance to “love mercy”? shouldn’t it say “love mercifully”? i do love and appreciate God’s mercy but in the context of the other statements of your tattoo i was a bit unsure why it says “love mercy”. i didn’t think i would ever have a visible tattoo, but i have one of great personal meaning – a verse from scripture i stood on during a very difficult period in my life π
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