This is a family blog.

We are THAT Family
by Kristen
This is a family blog.
by Kristen
I love The Blog Frog. Today, they are unveiling an awesome upgrade and I really think you should join! I don't make any money or get freebies for asking you to join the forum on my sidebar. I simply love that it fosters community and friendship among my blog friends and readers! How to Participate in a BlogFrog Community from Holly Hamann on ... Read More
by Kristen
WARNING:: Graphic images below, animal lovers beware:: While I was in Kenya, we met the children we sponsored through Compassion at the country's premier amusement park. The park's featured presentation: watching deadly crocodiles eat baby goat fetus' at feeding time. There is no punch line. Because I'm completely serious: Hooves are tasty too: Gagging optional. I'm pretty sure I'll need therapy from all that blood ... Read More
by Kristen
The first Easter I was married, I cried (and threw a bit of a hissy fit) because my husband of three months said we didn't have enough money for an Easter dress. So, I called his mother. I got two dresses that first wedded year. And so when I randomly say on Twitter: I am married to the best man I know. about 13 hours ago via TweetDeck Now, you know why. For me, Easter has always held an air of excitement. And it hasn't always been about Jesus (see above). Our ... Read More
by Kristen
Once upon a time, I went to Africa. I took my nearly new Flip Video Camera that I bought with birthday gift cards, coupons and money I found in the washing machine. It broke- my first day there. I had to borrow video footage from everyone else. When I got home, I didn't act entirely Christian on the phone with the Flip Customer Service Dept. It got me no where. Plus, I had GUILT. So. I went to Twitter. Because if anyone can help, it's Twitter friends. I whined and complained and ... Read More
by Kristen
Our home is a busy place. It's noisy and bustling, sometimes dirty, always lived-in. It's not cold, chaotic or controlled. It's warm and welcoming and imperfect. My hubby and I work very hard to set the tone of our home. We have made conscious choices to create a healthy atmosphere for our family. The other night before bed, we were reading Moments With You: Daily Connections for Couples together. In it, Donna Otto, founder of Homemakers by Choice, writes, "parents are not called ... Read More
by Kristen
Something scary happened last week. It left me shaken. I didn't plan on blogging about it. I didn't know if I could. But all week, I've wondered if my story could save a child's life. A child like mine. My toddler nearly choked to death at a restaurant. Now, I joked when I wrote a letter to Mr. Heimlich. And Lord knows, we've had our fair share of THAT family moments, but what I'm going to tell you is not funny and I cannot make light of it. I joined my parents for an ... Read More
by Kristen
We are having some serious hair care needs.My toddler has fine baby hair that is slightly curly. I wash it regularly and comb it daily. Promise. But this is what happens:Within minutes, it gets snarled, fuzzy and tangled. I have to comb thru knots.I affectionately refer to it as the nest. Because if a bird got a good look at it, well, let's just say, my daughter would be sportin' some twigs and leaves in her hair. I'm just sayin'.So, dear internets, can you help a vain Mom out? Should I cut ... Read More